Empowering Businesses with Tech
How to create a project : Spring Boot
One of the ways to Bootstrapping a Spring Boot application is by using Spring Initializer.
Steps to setup a spring boot project:
Open the Spring Initializr link https://start.spring.io/, it will take you to the page below:
Next, select the type of project as “Maven Project”.
Under “Language”, select “Java”.
Input the “Group” and “Artifact” names of your choice.
Select packaging as “Jar”.
Select the Java version “11”.
On the right, click on “ADD DEPENDENCIES” and add the required dependencies i.e. Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and Lombok. We will be discussing these dependencies in the upcoming section
Then click on “GENERATE” to download the project ZIP file.
Extract the contents of the zip file. In your IDE, open this project by choosing the extracted folder.